behind the design

lindsey miles

Hi there! My name is Lindsey and I am the founder and head designer of Sun and Soul Creative. From when I was young I was always so fascinated in creating. I have been drawing since I can remember. When college came about I knew I wanted to do something that I could use my artistic abilities everyday. I started studying Graphic Design and I never looked back.

I studied Graphic Design at Arizona State University where I got my Bachelors in Science in Graphic Design and a Certificate in Marketing. After graduation I decided I wanted to share my design abilities with as many people as possible and that’s when Sun and Soul Creative was born. Sun and Soul Creative is a full service design agency here to provide you with all your branding needs fulfilling your creative vision.

things I love the most

Favorite thing about Living in AZ

Favorite food

what i do for fun

Spending time with the people I love the most brings me the most joy. Next to that I love creating new things and trying out different art hobbies.

Although it is tremendously toasty here in AZ, there are so many amazing things to experience. I love driving up North to Flagstaff and Sedona on the weekends. Also the AZ sunsets are hard to beat.

To this day, there is nothing a soft pretzel won’t fix. 

I love to tap into my creative side in different ways such as painting, drawing and any craft I can find. 

"Design is trUly my greatest passion and I am so excited to share that with others for my cAreer."

-lindsey miles

Ready to work with us? We couldn’t be more excited. Here at Sun and Soul Creative our goal is to provide you with all your creative needs to help take your brand to the next step. Head to our contact page where you can start by filling out the contact information and give us a little bit of background information as to what you are looking for. We look forward to hearing from you!

contact us


We used it before the hipsters did.



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Wouldn't it be awesome if these were wearable?


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